Transforming the ocean's energy into music
Who we are

Courtesy Arguments LDA is a dynamic production team that orchestrates electrifying electronic music parties. Based in Portugal, right at the ocean's edge, we transform the powerful energy of the ocean into the pulsating energy of music, drive, fun, emotions, and a sense of community. Our team is a vibrant blend of DJs and art managers, each bringing their unique flair to the mix.

At Courtesy Arguments LDA, we are more than just a team; we are curators of unforgettable experiences, blending the raw power of the ocean with the electric energy of music to create something truly unique.
Areas of expertise
Music event production
Our event production experts craft unforgettable music parties and festivals, providing a full spectrum of services from concept to execution. We ensure unparalleled experiences with meticulous attention to detail, state-of-the-art sound systems, and innovative staging to bring the ocean's energy to every event.
Music content creation and promotion
Our team excels in creating and promoting music content that captures and engages the audience. From hit singles to compelling music videos, we manage all aspects of content production and digital marketing strategies, ensuring maximum reach and impact across various platforms.
Music brand development
We specialize in creating and developing music brands that resonate with audiences worldwide. Our approach combines market analysis, branding strategy, and creative direction to build distinctive identities that stand out in the competitive music industry. We help artists and music entities capture the essence of their sound and vision, transforming them into powerful brands.
Music production and artist management
We produce and manage talents in the music scene, focusing on nurturing the careers of musicians and DJs. Our production team works closely with artists to refine their sound, while our management division strategizes their path to success, handling everything from bookings to branding, ensuring they shine in the global music market.
Mikhail Osadchy
Art Director
Mikhail is a Doctor of Science in Linguistics and a curator of contemporary art. With an education in art management from ISCTE University of Lisbon, he brings a scholarly and creative perspective to our artistic direction, enriching our projects with innovative and meaningful content.
Why musicians and partners choose us
Industry expertise
With decades of collective experience, our team understands the intricacies of the music industry. From event production to artist management, we offer a wealth of knowledge and a proven track record of success.
Innovative approach
We are pioneers in merging the elemental power of the ocean with the vibrant world of electronic music, creating unique experiences that resonate with audiences and artists alike.
State-of-the-Art production
Our events and music productions utilize cutting-edge technology and equipment, ensuring top-quality sound and unforgettable experiences at every turn.
Comprehensive services
From developing music brands to producing large-scale events, we provide a full spectrum of services. This integrated approach allows artists and partners to achieve their goals efficiently and effectively.
Personalized management
We value each artist and partner, offering personalized management and support. Our approach is tailored to meet individual needs, ensuring that each collaboration is successful and rewarding.
Global network
Our extensive network across the music and art scenes worldwide opens doors to exciting opportunities and collaborations, helping our partners and artists to expand their reach and influence.
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